The interactive evidence map provides a visual interface for efficient and effective review of the coded evidence base. The map displays the number of identified sources exploring Technical Assistance Interventions in the MENA region, against a set of pre-defined attributes. A more detailed understanding of the scope of the evidence mapping exercise can be found in the supporting Narrative Report.

The evidence map provides an immediate visual understanding of the abundance and scarcity of evidence against select thematic areas; alongside a set of pre-defined intervention output and outcome categories. It is also possible to further filter the evidence display by country. Red circles indicate a low volume of sources in a particular area; orange circles indicate a medium volume; while green circles indicate a high volume of sources. Also, it is useful to note that the colour system has been set in such a way as to make the map eminently useful, as opposed to mathematically or statistically rigorous. As such, the number of sources indicated by each colour is as follows: <10 = red, <30 = orange, =/>30 = green.

It is further possible to view a full list of coded sources within a specific table cell by clicking on the coloured circle within. Once selected, the tool will provide a modal pop-up displaying an alphabetised list of studies. Additionally, top-level data on an individual study is accessed by clicking on the source title or the small accordion arrow to the right of the title listing. This then swaps out the content within the modal pop-up screen to display the following study attributes: Title; Year of publication; Authors; Country focus; Publisher; Abstract; and a hyperlink to the coded study. On closing this secondary modal pop-up screen (by clicking the 'x' on the right of the dark grey header strip) the original modal list will reappear.

In essence, the evidence map offers a comparative overview of interventions and outputs/outcomes – packaged in an easily accessible illustration, detailing the volume of available studies and their key characteristics.